About Volunteering at The Parks Trust

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The Parks Trust has a flexible and varied volunteering programme with many roles available to suit your interests and experience. From patrolling your local park, carrying out wildlife surveys, supporting events and helping deliver education sessions we have lots of ways volunteers get involved. Some roles like our Volunteer Rangers and Wardens are set to specific parks, whereas others will involve supporting activities across various parks in our network.

We also provide uniform, equipment, training and travel expenses to all our volunteers.

How to become a volunteer for The Parks Trust

We recruit new volunteers as roles become available. You can check out our opportunities page for any current vacancies. As roles become available, you can get in touch to receive more information and an invitation to the application process. We do our best to match people to the most appropriate roles based on what you are looking to do, your skills, availability and locality.

If successful, you will be invited to an initial induction where you will learn more about the Trust and our volunteering programme. You’ll be issued some uniform to get you started and receive your handbook and complete your volunteer agreement form to register you as a volunteer. Many of our roles with then require a site induction or shadowing opportunity with a lead member of staff to help you get to grips with your new role.

Your lead member of staff will be available to help with your role and our Volunteer Coordinator will organise any training/resources you may require, plus help keep you updated with anything else happening as part of our volunteer programme.

What are the benefits to volunteering?
  • Giving back - helping your community and local environment
  • Meeting new people
  • Keeping active and being outdoors
  • Sharing and gaining knowledge/skills
  • Branded Parks Trust Uniform is provided
  • Training and equipment provided
  • Travel expenses are available to claim should you have to travel further than your local park.

Other Ways to Volunteer With Us

If you are interested in getting involved with us but can't commit to being a registered regular volunteer or we don't have any volunteer vacanices, we do offer a programme of Community Volunteering tasks throughout the year. From planting and collecting seeds to building drystone walls, these practical tasks help conserve and improve our parks for both visitors and wildlife. It's a fantastic way to get outside, be active and make a difference to your local spaces.

Check out our What's On page to see what community volunteering tasks we have coming up. 

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