Great Linford Manor Park

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  • Walking Routes

    About Great Linford Manor Park

    Great Linford Manor Park is a unique park in Milton Keynes that boasts a rich history dating back to Saxon times, featuring many points of interest, such as the impressive Water and Wilderness gardens initially laid out to provide a beautiful setting for the Manor house, which is now privately owned.

    In recognition of its significance, the National Lottery Heritage Fund awarded us ÂŁ3.1m to 'Reveal, Revive and Restore' the park's special historical features and make it an interesting and attractive place to visit. Today, the park has been rejuvenated into one of the best places to walk in the city, capturing the essence of what the area would have looked like in the past. Visitors can explore the historical features with plenty of information boards, playful art sculptures, and self-guided trails.

    For those interested in the origins of the park, the Friends of Great Linford Manor Park offers free guided walks found on our What's On page that provide further insight into its heritage and natural beauty. Join them every second Friday and last Sunday of the month. Any donations are appreciated and will be used to provide additional activities in the park.


    Now a public open space, in the 17th and 18th centuries, Great Linford Manor Park was once the private garden of the Manor House. But the story of the landscape as a settlement began long before that. Through the 'Reveal, Revive, Restore' project, we have been uncovering and interpreting the history of the park. We now know that Great Linford was first settled by the Saxons in the 7th century, as evidenced by archaeological finds beneath St. Andrew's Church. It developed in the Medieval period as a rural village adjacent to the original Manor House. During this time, the word 'Manor' referred to an estate rather than the house itself. In 1678, a wealthy merchant, Sir William Pritchard and his wife, Lady Sarah, purchased the old house and demolished it to make a new Manor, situated in its present location.

    In the following centuries, the Manor was added to and altered to become the impressive Georgian house it is today. During the 18th century, the gardens were designed in the English Landscape Pleasure Garden style, perhaps by garden designer Richard Woods. They were bisected in 1800 by the Grand Union Canal and the estate went into decline. In the 20th century the estate was purchased by the Milton Keynes Development Corporation, who created the original public park. Since 2015, we have been regenerating the parkland with help from a National Lottery Heritage Fund and Community Fund grant.

    For a more in-depth history of the park, please visit Great Linford History's website.

    Learn more about the project


    • Milton Keynes Arts Centre has a small cafĂ© and toilets, including an accessible toilet, which is open Wednesdays and Saturdays 10am-4pm*.
    • On the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, St. Andrew's Church host a dementia-friendly community cafĂ©.
    • Every Sunday from 2-4pm in August St. Andrew's Church is open for teas and coffees.
    • There is an infant play area designed for young children and toddlers next to the Marsh Drive car park. Playable sculptures can be found throughout the park.

    *The Arts Centre is occasionally closed for private events; it is advisable to check ahead by calling 01908 608108 or emailing

    Getting Here

    Free parking is available at Marsh Dr, Great Linford, Milton Keynes, MK14 5AS. Located at What 3 Words: unite.nipping.places.

    There are cycle racks at Marsh Drive and Parklands entrances.

    Bus stops do not have post codes. Therefore, it is better to use What 3 Words to locate them. Great Linford Manor Park is accessible by bus:

    Suggested drop-off and pick-up locations. Our parks do not have postcodes. Therefore, sometimes you need to supply a landmark to your driver. You could use:

    • Great Linford Memorial Hall
    • Milton Keynes Arts Centre

    Alphabet Trail

    Discover the park's heritage through the free alphabet trail. There are 26 letters to find on yellow circles around the park. 

    Alphabet Trail


    View the AccessAble guide for more information.

    Watch our handy pre-visit video to find out more before you visit. 

    A network of surfaced paths gives access to most of the park's main features and up to the canal, though some paths are quite steep. A set of deep steps leads down to the Cascade Pond, but alternative routes to this area are provided via Campion (What3Words location) and from the canal towpath (What3Words location).

    Through the Heritage Fund project we have been working with the Open University on The Walking Programme, which is researching the barriers and facilitators to walking for people living with dementia. To support people living with dementia in the community, we are collaboration with St. Andrew's Church and the Friends of Great Linford Manor Park at the 5 Ways Cafe, which is a dementia friendly community cafe held twice monthly at the church. All are welcome to attend.

    Water Safety

    There are several ponds as well as the canal in the park. Please take care around water. The water from the Hine Spring is not safe for drinking.

    Facilities at Great Linford Manor Park
    • Parking

    • Toilets

    • Café

    • Pub

    • Picnic Tables

    • Play Area

    • Interpretation Panels

    • Bridle Path

    • Seating

    How to get here

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