Children’s Mental Health Week 2021

Children’s Mental Health Week is a national event taking place between 1st - 7th February 2021. The theme for this year is ‘Express Yourself’.
As adults, we know that getting outdoors can do wonders for our mental health. A walk with the dog, a jog with a friend or just sitting amongst the trees can make us feel calmer and help us to reconnect with nature. The same goes for our children. Research from the University of East Anglia* showed that living close to nature and spending time outside has significant and wide-ranging health benefits both physically and mentally.
Our children have had to cope with significant changes in the past year with limited chances to socialise, experience new and exciting things, and just be themselves. One way in which we can support young people is by spending time outdoors. We have lots of resources on our website for activities you can do in your local parks if you are a little stuck for ideas. Why not try our following our ‘Forest Bathing How To Guide’ with your children? It might give you a chance to talk about how it makes you feel and spark conversation about how they are feeling, or just give you all some quiet time to enjoy. We have also created a 'Bring The Outdoors In' activity guide which has ideas of how your family can stay connected with nature whilst your having to spend more time at home.
More information on Children’s Mental Health week can be found here.
*Source: Science Daily